Sorry,if i haven't updated in a while,but i have a very interesting story for you guy.Subsequently ,Super Junior is nominated in the Italian MTV Award for the Saga Artist award and were up against One Direction(ewww....) and the totally hot Italian Eurovision Song Conetst 2013 contestant,Marco Mengoni.But when ELFs starts lose there minds.......It's because it stated that there's a foul play involved.:O
During the voting process that led up until the final round,fan were informed that the could vote up to ten times a day,But it seems those votes were never even counted,because an Italian fan of SUJU found evidence that there was a fraud on votings.A fan of Marco Mengoni posted of herself voting for Mengoni for about 650 times......Damn,girl.They were shock of at this that they even started an Event page to stand-up against MTV ITALIA.
ELFs,who has currently having one of the biggest fandoms in the K-pop world,were not able to dominate mr. Mengoni (I think they compete in Eurovision Now...),Was mostly hard to understand for most of them,since Super Junior is also a K-pop big shoot in Italy.Comments like these were written in MTV ITALIA's facebook page.
“MTV con tutto il rispetto ma è impossibile che due fandom internazionali che contano milioni di fan stanno perdendo contro deglii artisti conosciuti solo in Italia poco più. Con tutto rispetto per i nostri artisti italiani. Io essendo una ELF vedo quante pagine con milioni di fan hanno pubblicizzato questo evento, persino uno dei Super Junior lo ha fatto. Quindi statisticamente è impossibile la percentuale attuale dei voti, anche perché esistono metodi per dare più dei 10 voti giornalieri. Quindi perché non aprite una nuova votazione dove i voti non sono limitati ai 10, ma illimitati, dove lasciate in gara i 4 artisti rimasti ( Amoroso, 1D, SUJU e Mengoni ) così saremo liberi di votare quanto vogliamo, vincerà l’artista che ovviamente è stato più sostenuto dai suoi fan.”
GOOGLE TRANSLATION: “MTV with all due respect but it is impossible that two international fandom that count millions of fans are losing against deglii artists known only in Italy a little more. With all due respect for our Italian artists. I being an ELF see how many pages with millions of fans have advertised this event, even one of the Super Junior did it. So statistically it is impossible to present the percentage of the vote, because there are ways to give more of the 10 votes per day. So why not open a new vote where the votes are not limited to 10, but unlimited, where the race left in the 4 remaining artists (Amoroso, 1D, SUJU and Mengoni) so we will be free to vote as we want, which of course will win the artist was more supported by his fans. “
This was an unbelievable event for most of us.But on the flip side.A cheat was founded in Marco Mengoni's fandom account that allows the manipulation of votes,leading to many fans left thinking "WTF,IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE!?!".Fans founded a website that was able to cheat on the voting process and award multiple votes past the max amount. So that's there were 99,999 on Marco Mengoni's went.
Votes were not also manipulated,a lot of votes were also not even counted (What Kind of Sick-o does that).During voting through the Social Tracker,that counts the post on Twitter.Many tweets were being posted,but the number of SUJU votes just stayed the same.There was even a video about it.You can even watch it. Link:
MTV Italia has not release a statement yet on that matter.But ELFs now still has hope.They created a facebook page to gather together.In hopes of getting an answer and an apology for the occurrence in the 2013 Italian Music Awards.
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